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2024-04-25 10:00 videoYng Magistrate Judge Carmen E. Henderson 5:18-cv-00182-JRA Dickson v. Direct Energy, LP Hearing
2024-04-25 10:30 ctrm351 Judge Benita Y. Pearson 4:14-cr-00064-BYP United States of America v. Young Revocation Superv Rls-FinalHrg
2024-04-25 01:30 ctrm351 Judge Benita Y. Pearson 1:22-cr-00046-BYP United States of America v. Cundall Sentencing
2024-04-25 03:00 ctrm351 Judge Benita Y. Pearson 1:18-cr-00331-BYP United States of America v. Phares Revocation Superv Rls-FinalHrg