Effective May 11, 2024, you will be required to sign in to eVoucher with Login.gov using multi-factor authentication.

Login.gov Instructions


Compatibility issue/fix: If you cannot see the username/password box when logging in to CJA eVoucher, click on Tools, Compatibility View Settings, click on ‘Add’ this website "uscourts.gov", then click Close.  The username/password box will now be displayed.


eVoucher passwords expire every 180 days.  If you receive a message when logging in to eVoucher saying that your password has expired and should be reset, you can reset your own password by clicking the "Forgot your login?" link below the login area. eVoucher Instructions For Password Expiration


CJA eVoucher Help Desk: (216) 357-7003

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Appointment of Counsel (CJA)

CJA Plan


CJA Panel Membership Application


The CJA Application is compatible with Acrobat and Adobe Reader 9.0 or later.  If your software is incompatible, please click here to download a free update.


Panel Member Lists





CJA Fee Exempt Pacer Accounts

CJA panel attorneys can register with the PACER Service Center for a single PACER account with fee exempt privileges, which may be used for cases in which they have been appointed as CJA Counsel. CJA attorneys who already have a PACER account, but need to add fee exempt status, should contact the PACER Service Center by email to have exempt privileges added to that account. CJA attorneys who are registering for a new PACER account can request CJA exemption status during the registration process

The use of fee exempt status is NOT permitted for private cases.  When viewing documents in NextGen CM/ECF, CJA Panel members will be able to toggle between exempt and non-exempt status. CJA Panel members will need to take care to ensure that exemption status is used properly.  The default setting upon login is non-exempt.  Please be aware that fee exempt PACER accounts are audited regularly for improper usage.

CJA Exempt Status Instructions


Training Opportunities


National CJA Voucher Training Materials

 2019 Federal Criminal Practice Seminar - Tips and Tricks


Questions regarding CJA?


Panel Appointment: (216) 357-7068
eVoucher Help Desk:

(216) 357-7003

Office of the Federal
Public Defender:

(216) 522-4856