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W-9 and CJA Payee Registration Forms

CJA Panel Attorney Requirements

A W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Form and CJA Payee Registration Form must be submitted upon appointment to the CJA Panel to seek reimbursement from the Court. An updated W-9 Form must be submitted when any changes are made, such as name change, address change, or taxable reporting change.


Please indicate on the CJA Payee Registration Form whether the IRS 1099 Miscellaneous Income should be issued to you as an individual or to your law firm. An updated CJA Payee Registration Form must be submitted when there are changes pertaining to the 1099 Miscellaneous Income.

CJA Attorneys are responsible for certifying and submitting the expert's CJA21 Authorization and Voucher for Expert and Other Services Form to the Court.

Submit your forms either by email or to the Office of the Clerk of Court, Attn: CJA Deputy, 801 W. Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113.

CJA Expert Requirements

A W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Form must be submitted by any expert seeking reimbursement from the Court. An updated W-9 Form must be submitted when any changes are made, such as name change, address change, or taxable reporting change.


Experts are not to submit their own CJA21 Authorization and Voucher for Expert and Other Services Form, but rather it must be submitted by the CJA Attorney the expert is working with.

Paralegals: If a paralegal works for a firm, the firm's taxable identification number (TIN) should be used. If a paralegal is an independent contractor, the paralegal's social security number should be used unless the paralegal has his/her own TIN.


Submit your forms either by email or to the Office of the Clerk of Court, Attn: CJA Deputy, 801 W. Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113.





Engaging a Relative for Compensable Services under the CJA: Policy guidance approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States at its September 2012 session on engaging a relative for compensable service has been codified in §§ 220.18, 310.20.05, and 620.15. The new guidelines require appointed counsel: (1) prior to engaging any relative (as the term is defined for anti-nepotism purposes in 5 U.S.C. § 3110) to perform CJA compensable services, other than as associate counsel in the same law firm, to provide notification of the relationship and potential services to the presiding judicial authority; and (2) to notify the judge when it is learned that the judge intends to appoint or has appointed a relative of counsel as co-counsel on a representation. The notification requirement does not apply to using a relative as a service provider if the relative is working pro bono and will not be compensated with CJA funds. The notification requirement also does not apply to engaging relatives who are associates in the same law firm as appointed counsel. This is true for two reasons: (1) the use of associate counsel, at a reduced hourly rate, has long been recognized as an effective cost-containment measure (see CJA Guidelines (Guide, Volume 7A, §§ 230.53.10 and 620.10.10(c))); and (2) historically, relatives have joined together in private practice law firms and often have been utilized as associate counsel in each other's cases.