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Civics Education and Community Outreach

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Court Visits & Speaker Requests

The Northern District of Ohio is pleased to invite schools and other groups to visit the federal courthouse and meet with federal judges to learn more about the federal judiciary.  Schools and other groups can also request a federal judge to come speak to them.  To request a visit or a speaker, please use the form at the top of this page, or contact Gudrun Swoboda, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk of Court, at (216) 357-7068, or Michelle Sztul, Chief Deputy Clerk, at (216) 357-7082.


For Teachers                                        

Educational Resources
Sixth Circuit Civics Education

Educational Activities
Civics Education PowerPoint

Famous Federal Trials
Federal Judicial History

The Federal Courts: Civics Education
Inside the Federal Courts

National Council for the Social Studies

Sixth Circuit civics outreach


The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio is the federal trial court for the northern half of the State of Ohio. Currently, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio holds court in Cleveland, Akron, Toledo, and Youngstown and serves the 6 million citizens of the 40 most northern counties in Ohio. With 11 authorized district judgeships, it is among the 17 largest U.S. district courts. Appeals from the District Court for the Northern District of Ohio are heard by the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

The Appeals Process
Judges of the Northern District of Ohio

History of the Northern District of Ohio
Court Locations


The Federal Court System

About Federal Courts
Federal Courts & What They Do

Types of Cases
FAQs about Federal Judges & Judgeships

Court Role & Structure
Map of Federal Circuit & District Courts

Federal Courts & the Public
Comparing Federal & State Courts


The U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights

Interactive U.S. Constitution (National Constitution Center)
Bill of Rights (National Archives)


Federal Law Holidays

Law Day - May 1

Law Day is an annual celebration of the rule of law in a free society. Throughout May, the legal community reaches out in communities across the nation to stimulate appreciation and critical thinking about the founding fundamentals that are so easily taken for granted.

Since President Dwight D. Eisenhower established the first Law Day in 1958, Americans have taken the opportunity to recommit themselves to remaining a nation of laws. The observance became official in 1961, when Congress issued a joint resolution designating May 1st as Law Day.

Speeches, gatherings, and programs for adults and students set the stage for a month-long exploration of enduring legal principles. Many federal courts open their doors in May to bring the next generation of jurors into courtrooms to see and participate in the process of justice for all.  Click here for more information.

Women's Equality Day - August 26

Women's Equality Day is observed on August 26 in the United States. This day commemorates the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. The amendment was certified on August 26, 1920, marking a significant milestone in the women's suffrage movement and the broader struggle for gender equality.

Constitution Day - September 17

The anniversary of the Constitution's signing is observed officially on September 17th, and courts celebrate Constitution Day throughout the month with naturalization ceremonies and other educational outreach events to help schools fulfill a congressional mandate to teach about the Constitution. Click here for more information.

Bill of Rights Birthday - December 15

The Bill of Rights, comprising the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, was ratified on December 15, 1791. These amendments guarantee essential rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as protections against governmental abuses like unreasonable searches and cruel and unusual punishment. The birthday of the Bill of Rights is celebrated annually on December 15.


Other Contacts

If you would like more information about putting together a civics program, curriculum, or processes please feel free to reach out to the contacts below for information.

National Constitution Center

The National Constitution Center

Kevin Lynch - 

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts

National Educational Outreach Manager, Rebecca Fanning -


Read District Court Cases & Opinions

The U.S. District Court case dockets and documents are available to the public over the internet through the Public Access to Court Electronic Records ("PACER") system, which offers case search capabilities within each court as well as across all federal courts.  A PACER login is required to access most case information. The public can also register to receive electronic notice of filing for cases of interest.

Register to View Case Information

PACER Service Center

PACER Training