The FBA Mentoring and Law School Committee is hosting a Winter Happy Hour!
Come enjoy drinks, complimentary appetizers and shuffleboard with us at Forest City Shuffleboard.*
When: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Where: Forest City Shuffleboard
4506 Lorain Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
R.S.V.P by Monday, February 12, 2024
Cost: $5 for law student FBA members, $10 for FBA members, and $20 for non-members.
The event is free to participants in the FBA’s Mentoring Program thanks to the generous sponsorship of Innovative Driven.
FBA members and prospective FBA members of all ages are welcome to attend!
Feel free to contact Eleanor Hagan at or Elizabeth Collins with any questions. Payment can be made at the link below or at the door.
We look forward to seeing you there!
*Registration includes one drink ticket. Other drinks may be purchased from the bar.